Ecotherapy combines time in nature with psychotherapy to foster growth and well-being.

What is Ecotherapy?

Increasingly, the research indicates that spending time outdoors is healing. And yet, in our fast-paced world, it can be difficult to carve out the time and space to do so meaningfully. Ecotherapy provides a guided way to engage with the outdoors, combining the therapeutic benefits of psychotherapy with time in nature.

Ecotherapy, often called "walk and talk therapy," involves meeting for your therapy session in an outdoors, pre-determined location, such as a walking path within a park. From there, the session is tailored to fit your particular goals for our work together. We may find a comfortable spot to sit, or we may walk/roll gently along a trail as we engage in talk therapy. Other times, the natural environment may take more of a centre stage as we work towards your goals. As your relationship with nature grows and changes, so too can our sessions.

Is Ecotherapy For Me?

Ecotherapy may be a good fit for you if:

  • you know spending time outside feels good to you;

  • you appreciate a more flexible approach to therapy outside of a conventional office space;

  • you want to explore your connection with the natural world as part of your work in therapy; and/or

  • you feel that eco-anxiety or climate anxiety contribute to your mental health concerns.

Note: Ecotherapy may not be the right choice of therapy for every client, and that's okay! When we meet for our intake appointment, we will explore your goals for therapy and determine a path forward together.

Who is my guide?

Before studying counselling psychology and becoming a psychotherapist, I had a career as a naturalist and outdoor educator in Toronto.

I’ve spent years leading folks of all ages on nature walks in Toronto. I’ve also built a relationship with the plants and other animals that call this land home, and know the trails like the back of my hand.

You’ll be able to settle into your therapy session knowing I’m guiding us safely, thoughtfully, and respectfully through our session. We’ll take precautions to avoid any hazards, stay mindful and present to our interactions with the natural world, and stick to the trails to keep our environmental impact minimal.

Where can I read more about Ecotherapy?

Learn more about ecotherapy program offerings in Toronto!